Police offer home watch service

Residents who take extended holidays at risk of break-ins

Oak Bay police are offering to routinely watch the homes of residents on summer holidays, following a rash of home break-ins in the district.

The majority of residents affected are those away on a long-term basis, said Deputy Chief Kent Thom.

Residents who want their homes registered with police need to provide their address, the length of time they will be away, the names of people who have permission to enter the residence, any cars that will be parked there and emergency contacts.

The information will go into a database that generates a list of homes for officers to patrol. Thom said police have been unofficially patrolling vacationers’ homes for years, but took this step in response to the rise in thefts.

To register or get tips on preventing theft while on vacation, call 250-592-2424.


Oak Bay News