Victoria Police Department in action downtown. Nicole Crescenzi/Victoria News

Victoria Police Department in action downtown. Nicole Crescenzi/Victoria News

Police officers may have saved injured Esquimalt man’s life

Recent Officer Down first aid training put to good use by VicPD members first on scene

Police officers freshly trained in “Police Officer Down” techniques were forced to put their new skills to work when they arrived first on the scene of an injured man in Esquimalt just after midnight Thursday.

Responding to a 911 call to a multi-unit residence in the 700-block of Lampson Street, the officers found the man to be bleeding heavily and suffering from life-threatening injuries. Officers were able to apply two tourniquets and provide other life-saving first aid before BC Ambulance Service paramedics took over.

The man was rushed to hospital and and remains there recovering from his injuries. The circumstances leading to his injuries were not immediately evident, but a department spokesperson said there was no indication of foul play upon further investigation.

The officers on the scene had taken the workshop just two months ago and directly applied one of the techniques they learned to the situation. The program is based on Vancouver PD’s Police Officer Down training and was adapted by VicPD officers, including those working in patrol roles and on the Greater Victoria Emergency Response Team, to provide life-saving first aid to themselves or other officers.

Victoria News