Police Report – break and enter and hit and run

The weekly crime blotter from the Ashcroft RCMP Detachment.

Break in at John Bundus

Aug. 22 at 3:40 am police responded to an intruder alarm at John Bundus and Sons in Ashcroft. Police arrived to find out that suspects had broken into the building through the front door and left with several Stihl chainsaws, estimated value of $4-5,000. Surveillance film from across the street showed a dark-coloured pickup truck outside the building at the time. The matter is still under investigation and evidence left at the scene is being examined for identification purposes. Anyone noticing a dark truck in the area at the time, or who have been approached about buying a brand new chainsaw are asked to call police at 453-2216.

Hit and run and causing a disturbance

Aug. 22 at 9 pm police received a report of a hit and run at the Castle Inn in Cache Creek after a white pickup truck backed into a red car and left. Police attended and found residents of the Inn arguing with a male whom they believed was driving the truck. An investigation by police showed that he was likely the suspect and he was issued a ticket for failing to remain at the scene. Having concluded the matter, the male was asked to leave but refused to do so, continuing to argue with everyone and cause a disturbance. He was arrested and placed in cells overnight, released the next morning when sober.

Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal