Police report crime statistics to city council

Calls for service the same as last year; person offences are up, drug files are down.

Person offences jumped in the first quarter while drug files have decreased, according to an RCMP report delivered to Cranbrook City Council last week.

Sgt. Barry Graham presented the report to council on behalf of detachment commander S/Sgt. Hector Lee, which included statistics on all criminal code offences in the first three months of year compared to last year.

Person offences, including assaults, sexual assaults, assault with a weapon, robbery, threats and criminal harassment were up 18 per cent over the same last year.

Property related offences, such as break and enter, theft, mischief to property, were down by seven per cent from Q1 last year.

Other criminal code offences such as causing a disturbance, breach of bail conditions, firearms offences, public mischief, obstructing a police officer and counterfeit currency were up by seven per cent.

Clearance rates for all files that are non-traffic offences is at 41 per cent, and there is a seven per cent increase in total files over Q1 last year.

Drug files are way down as there is almost a decrease by half from the first quarter of 2016, however, the drug file clearance rate is only at 63 per cent as compared to 90 per cent last year.

There were no fatal motor vehicle accidents (MVAs) last year within the city, and total MVAs were down by five per cent.

However, the alcohol involved percentage of MVA’s was up by 15 per cent.

Impaired driving, which includes criminal and immediate roadside prohibitions within the city, were down by 31 per cent while roadside suspensions were also down by 17 per cent.

Total traffic tickets issued were down by 59 per cent, while notice and orders were also down by 48 per cent.

Total calls for service within the city and rural areas reached 1775, a slight increase in calls for service at the same time last year.

Cranbrook Daily Townsman