Police Report: Excessive speeds and bad attitudes

The weekly crime files from the Ashcroft RCMP Detachment.

Worried about employee

June 7 at 8:51 am RCMP received a complaint from an Ashcroft employer who was worried about an employee who hadn’t shown up to work in days and was not answering his telephone. Police attended the man’s home and found the man’s truck in his driveway, but no one answered the door. A house key was obtained and the officer let himself inside. He found the man on the couch under a blanket, asleep. After several attempts to rouse him, the 22 year old man woke up and told the officer he hadn’t been feeling well and had been sleeping a lot.

Wallet lost

June 7 a 63 year old Walhachin woman reported that she had lost her wallet while on the HOG Run in Ashcroft on June 2. She thought it had gone missing between 5-8 pm during the banquet at the arena. She immediately cancelled the banking cards. Anyone finding a wallet, purse, etc., should turn it into the RCMP station.

TV and XBox taken

June 7 at 6:21 pm a 35 year old man reported a theft from his Ashcroft residence and told police that he suspected his 36 year old ex-girlfriend, who had texted him while he was in Kamloops to say that she was at his house. When he returned home later that day, the contents of his house were in a mess and a 19 inch television and an XBox were missing. The matter is still under investigation.

Jackass speedway

June 8 at 12:02 pm a Traffic Service officer conducting radar at the bottom of Jackass Mountain on Hwy 1 stopped a Honda Civic driving at 147 kph in the 90 kph zone. The 27 year old Aldergrove man was given a ticket for excessive speed and his vehicle was impounded for seven days.

Excessive speed

June 8 at 1:57 pm a Traffic Service officer conducting radar at the bottom of Jackass Mountain stopped a black northbound Ford F150 which was travelling at 145 kph in the 90 kph zone. The 52 year old Richmond man was given a ticket for excessive speed and his truck was impounded for seven days. The driver and his passengers were given a ride to Boston Bar.

Dreaming up a fight

June 9 at 12:29 am police attended the Oasis pub after a 911 caller told the dispatcher that a group of intoxicated males inside the bar were going from table to table trying to start a fight and that it was “going to go down”. Police attended and found the patrons inside happy and relaxed and everything quiet.

Mindless driving

June 9 at 9:33 pm police received a complaint about an erratic driver northbound on Hwy 1 by the drag strip. The complainant said the Chrysler 300 pulled out in front of her and cut her off, then drove towards Cache Creek, turned around and headed back the way it came. Traffic Services members located the vehicle in Cache Creek as it was pulling into the Oasis. The officer could smell liquor on the driver’s breath although he denied it and was unco-operative. He Failed a roadside sobriety test and was brought to the Detachment for a Breathalyzer Test. The 44 year old Savona man provided two samples of 150 and 150. He was charged with impaired driving and driving with blood alcohol over .08 and was released into the custody of his wife.

Anger begets anger

June 10 at 2:18 am police were called to the Husky station by staff who said they were threatened by an aggressive and intoxicated man after they asked him to leave. The man was sitting in the closed restaurant area and when asked to move, challenged them to a fight. He left the building in a taxi. The 39 year old Ashcroft man was located, still very intoxicated. He said he was just responding in kind to the aggression of the staff member and would not have acted on his threats.

Last minute bar fight

June 10 at 2:36 am, while monitoring the closing of the Oasis pub, an officer witnessed an altercation between two females – a 33 year old Cache Creek woman punching a 26 year old Logan Lake woman in the fact. The suspect was arrested while the victim was taken home by friends after refusing medical treatment for minor injuries. Both were very intoxicated. The matter is still under investigation.

Truck stolen

June 10 police received a report of a truck stolen from the Oasis parking lot. The 55 year old Lillooet man said he had parked his blue 2012 Ford F150 there the night before and drove to Kamloops with a friend. He found the truck missing when he returned. The truck was located over an embankment on Hwy 12 just north of Lytton. It is being examined for evidence and the matter is still under investigation.

Extended vacation

June 11 at 10:15 am police received a missing person report from a Quesnel woman who said her 37 year old husband called her the day before from Cache Creek and said he was on his way home. Clinton RCMP were advised, who located the man camping with friends at Chasm. He said he’d decided to stay another day but his cell phone died so he couldn’t contact his wife.

Food, toilet paper stolen

June 11 at 11:08 am police received a report of the theft from a home in the Barnes Lake area. The owners advised that they were living in the Dawson Creek area while their Barnes Lake home was being renovated. They discovered the thefts when they returned. The front door was locked, but the suspect managed to gain entrance through the attached garage. Several items including a framing nailer, cans of food and toilet paper  were missing. Valuables were left behind. The matter is being investigated.

Unplugged and unglued

June 11 at 6:38 pm police received a complaint by a 42 year old Ashcroft man who said his ex-wife was harassing him. He moved out of their home so she could move back in and had disconnected the internet and cable services that were in  his name. The 41 year old woman was unhappy with his and they had exchanged phone calls and texts over the matter. They were advised that it was not a police matter.

Not paying attention

June 12 at 10:26 am a Traffic Service officer noted a Ford Flex rental passing other vehicles on Hwy 1 coming into Cache Creek, and speeding at 122 kph in the 50 kph zone. The vehicle was pulled over and the 60 year old Coquitlam man said he hadn’t been paying attention to the speed. He was given a ticket for excessive speed and the vehicle was impounded for seven days.

Driving while suspended

June 12 at 8:24 pm officers stopped a Jeep Cherokee for a license check in Ashcroft. The driver provided a Drivers License and a name to police, but the officer noted that she appeared very nervous and was shaking. He asked again and she supplied him with her correct name. The 41 year old Ashcroft woman was found to be under suspension and her vehicle was impounded for seven days. She was charged with driving while under suspension and could possibly be facing a charge for supplying a false name.

Happy tunes make you go fast(er)

June 13 at 9:02 pm police stopped a SUV speeding southbound on Hwy 1 at 159 kph in the 100 zone. The Toyota Rav 4 with Yukon plates was reluctant to stop, but finally did so. The 26 year old woman told the officer that she lost track of how fast she was going because she was singing her favourite tune. She was given a ticket for excessive speed and her vehicle was impounded for seven days. She and her passenger, a 26 year old Surrey man, called for a cab to take them to Kamloops so they could continue their trip.

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