Police report: Intoxicated man calls for ride, ends up in cell

Cranbrook RCMP responded to 110 calls from Monday, Nov. 2, to Sunday Nov. 8.

Arne Petryshen

Cranbrook RCMP responded to 110 calls from Monday, Nov. 2, to Sunday Nov. 8.

Staff Sgt. Hector Lee provided the details. Lee said the lower count correlates to the weather, and the cooler weather usually means less calls and less crime in general.

“Once the weather gets better again, we’re going to be up around the 200 mark,” Lee said. “Usually winter time, pretty much everywhere, things start to slow a little bit. It’s even too cold for criminals I guess.”

This week’s calls included two Immediate Roadside Prohibitions, one impound for excessive speed in city limits, four mental health calls, four disturbances involving alcohol, one road rage incident and a number of accidents due to the inclement weather over the week.

Three of the mental health calls resulted in police apprehending the individual and bringing them to the hospital for further assessment.

On the morning of Nov. 2, a complainant called police saying they were following a woman who was staggering and walking into traffic. Police located the woman and lodged her in a cell until she was sober and could take care of herself.

Also on Nov. 2, police received a call from a man asking for a ride. When an officer arrived, the man was determined to be quite intoxicated and was lodged in a cell until sober.

On Nov. 5 at 12:25 a.m. an officer on patrol issued a Immediate Roadside prohibition and a 90 day vehicle impoundment.

On Nov. 7 at 8:46 a.m. two vehicles were taunting each other down the highway. One was reportedly tailgating, while the other was pumping the brakes to scare the tailgater. The two drivers ended up stopping near the 7/11 on the strip.

“They got into a verbal altercation to start, which resulted in a physical altercation where one was sprayed with dog repellent,” Lee said. “The woman sprayed the man with dog repellent.”

Dog repellent is similar to pepper spray. Police were called and the two parties settled down. No charges were laid. Lee said while dog repellent is not illegal to have, when used in a public place like that, it could be considered possession of a weapon dangerous to public peace.

“It came down to impatience and both of these people goading each other on the road,” Lee said. “The two parties engaged with each other when they should have just went their separate ways.”

Nov. 7 at 7:45 p.m., a vehicle was clocked going in excess of 100 km/h on Victoria Avenue, which is a 50 km/h road. The driver was issued a violation ticket and the vehicle — a newer Ford pickup truck — was impounded.

Nov. 9 at 12:20 a.m. police issued another IRP and 90 day impound.

Lee noted that there have also been a lot of reports of fraud attempts, namely that the complainant received a call from a person claiming to be from the Canada Revenue Agency. Lee said if you receive the call, just hang up. He suggested calling the anti-fraud centre if you want to report it. In the case that you have lost money, call the Cranbrook RCMP to report it.

Lee also wanted to remind everyone that the snow is coming, so don’t forget to change over to winter tires on your vehicle, especially if you will be travelling the highways.

“Make sure you have snow rated tires, and are a bit more careful when you’re driving,” Lee said.

Lee said the officers on highway patrol do check at times to make sure that the required snow rated tires are installed on vehicles driven on the highways that require them.

“Especially this part of the country it’s always a good idea to have winter tires anyways,” he said.


Cranbrook Daily Townsman