Police Report – theft of alien, suspicious footprints

The weekly crime blotter from the Ashcroft RCMP Detachment.

Close call

Jan. 14 at 4 pm police received a report of a pickup truck straddling the guard rail along Cornwall Rd. coming into Ashcroft.  The driver was located walking down the road. The 53 year old Ashcroft man had no explanation for the accident, but was issued a ticket for driving without due care and attention and given a 24 hour driving suspension. His vehicle was towed.

Intoxicated ramblings

Jan. 14 at 4:50 pm police received a report of an intoxicated man staggering on the highway near Cache Creek. The 56 year old Ashcroft man was located and given a ride to family members in Ashcroft.

Break and enter

Jan. 16 police received a reported break and enter to a residence on Semlin Dr. in Cache Creek that is thought to have occurred between Jan. 13-16. The suspect entered through a doggy door and took a Mickey Mouse watch and a life-sized alien. It appears that the entire house was searched. The owner of the house is out of town and it is unknown if anything else is missing.

Sudden death

Jan. 18 at 11 am police were called to an Ashcroft residence to assist with the sudden death of a 76 year old woman. Her 70 year old husband was with her at the time.

Suspicious footprints

Jan. 18 police were notified of a suspicious occurrence. The caller said she saw footprints in the snow leading up her driveway on Collins Rd. and into her neighbour’s backyard and was concerned. Given the number of break and enters lately, police advise residents to keep their houses, shed and cars locked

Hit and run identified

Jan. 18 police received a report of a hit and run in the Husky parking lot that occurred on Jan. 16. Witnesses identified a gray Ford pickup truck as the vehicle that hit one belonging to an elderly gentleman from Maiden Creek. Video surveillance from the service station identified the driver, a 52 year old Cache Creek man. He was issued a ticket for failing to remain at the scene of an accident.

Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal