POLICE REPORT: Tug of war over dog

POLICE REPORT: Tug of war over dog

Nelson Police were called to a domestic dispute involving a dog earlier this week.

  • Dec. 12, 2014 2:00 p.m.

Police were called to a loud domestic dispute in progress in Uphill last week. Neighbors reported hearing loud arguing and the sounds of items being thrown. They were worried that somebody was going to get hurt. Police attended within minutes of receiving the report.

Upon arrival, officers witnessed two intoxicated adults having a tug of war over a dog.  Broken dishes and empty beers cans littered the area.  The combatants both claimed to police that they alone, were the best keeper of the pet.

Fortunately, police were able to convince the participants to release the dog without harming it. Once apart the animal was safely secured.

The officers interviewed the disputants separately.  After a lengthy and emotional negotiation, the officers were able to piece together enough information to formulate a plan that all could agree upon.

The dog was placed with its rightful owner.  Police drove one of the participants to their residence and both parties agreed to reconvene the discussion when the effects of the alcohol and marijuana had worn off.

Police contacted both parties the following day and cooler heads prevailed.

No charges are expected.

Don’t drink and drive

The Nelson Police Department is actively participating in the December CounterAttack Campaign.

Nelson officers will be on streets working hard to eliminate the dangers of impaired drivers.  Impaired drivers are those who chose to drive while their ability to operate a motor vehicle is affected by alcohol, illicit drugs and medicines. People found to be driving while impaired, face possible immediate road side driving prohibitions of up to 90 days, having the vehicle they were driving impounded up to 30 days along with having to pay all of the associated costs.

Drivers could also be facing Criminal Code charges of impaired driving.

The men and women of the Nelson Police Department are asking those who choose to partake over the holiday season to refrain from driving. Take a taxi, call a friend, use transit, walk or make other arrangements.  Lives may depend on your good sense.  Take a stand and don’t let impaired driver’s get behind the wheel.

On average 86 people die in BC every year in crashes involving impaired driving. Please join us to reduce this number.

Keys anyone?

Along with answering over 6,000 calls for service every year ranging from violent crimes to elementary school parking issues, the Nelson Police Department strives to serve the community.

One of the ways in which they serve is to maintain a container of found keys. There are keys for all makes of cars and trucks that people have turned in at the downtown location.

Drop by 606 Stanley Street and look through the collection. Your vehicle keys may be here.


Nelson Star