Const. Marty Kortas clears snow off police vehicles at the Nanaimo RCMP detachment. (Photo submitted)

Const. Marty Kortas clears snow off police vehicles at the Nanaimo RCMP detachment. (Photo submitted)

Police seeing too many ‘rolling snow forts’ after Vancouver Island’s recent snowfalls

RCMP remind drivers to clear snow from their vehicles before driving this winter

Vancouver Island RCMP say their traffic unit officers have been out in full force looking for what they refer to as “rolling snow forts” – vehicles with snow buildup that hasn’t been cleared off by drivers.

According to a Nanaimo RCMP press release, snow falling from vehicles can cause “significant damage to unsuspecting motorists and threatens the safety of all others who share the same roadway.”

In some cases, officers provided drivers with the tools and the safe opportunity to clear snow, which police say can be considered an insecure load under the Motor Vehicle Act. No tickets were issued and the officers treated the interactions as an “educational experience.”

“The officers of the Nanaimo municipal traffic unit patrol the streets and highways in all weather conditions, looking to ensure the safety of motorists and pedestrians. The interaction they have had with motorists during the recent snow fall is an example of their dedication to public safety as well as road safety education,” said Const. Gary O’Brien, Nanaimo RCMP spokesman, in the release.

The Nanaimo RCMP want to remind motorists it takes only minutes to fully brush off their vehicles even after heavy snow.

READ ALSO: Campbell River RCMP pull over snowmobiler on city streets

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