A window at Duncan’s Impeccable Jewellery had to be boarded up after a rock was thrown through it in the early morning hours of Dec. 9. (File photo)

Police seek help finding suspect in Duncan jewelry store theft

Thieves throw rock through window in early morning hours on Dec. 9

  • Dec. 15, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The RCMP is asking anyone who has any information regarding to the break-in at Duncan’s Impeccable Jewellery in the early morning hours of Dec. 9 to get in touch with them.

A statement from the North Cowichan/Duncan RCMP detachment also asked people to keep an eye open for items for sale that they think may be suspicious or related to this crime, or any crime, and contact them if they do.

A rock was thrown through the window of the jewelry store sometime before 2 a.m. on Dec. 9, and then the culprit(s) smashed through a display case and stole two chains and two pendants that are worth more then $2,000.

The statement from the RCMP said some signs that items available for sale online might be stolen property include that they are listed for abnormally low prices, there are odd or inappropriate photos for the items being sold, the seller can’t or won’t provide a serial number for items that would be expected to have one, and the seller gives odd answers or refuses to answer inquiries, like how the seller come to have this item, what is the background or previous ownership of the item, and so on.

“If it looks too good to be true, it might be,” the statement concluded.

Cowichan Valley Citizen