Police Update from Aug. 20

Breaking and entering, beating the train, and itchy fingers stood out this week.

Along with speeding complaints, the Vanderhoof RCMP recorded four roadside encounters with drivers this week, including three fails or warning after an alcohol test and one charged for impaired driving.

Broke and entered

A man broke into a car in the Vanderhoof Home Centre on the night of Aug.16.

According to a surveillance camera on site, the man had climbed the compound’s fence, headed straight for the car, smashed the car window, rummaged through the glove compartment, and left immediately.

The man appeared to have left the premises with an object, though staff from the Vanderhoof and Districts Coop did not report missing anything.

Beating the train

On Aug.18, CN Police Service reported a logging truck running across the railway tracks on Burrard Avenue as the safety gates came down for an incoming train, damaging the south gate as it caught the truck’s tail end.

Though unsafe railway crossings are rare in Vanderhoof — two to three instances per year — the RCMP reminds citizens of the safety risks involved, as the train would not be able to stop at such short distances.

The Recreation Avenue overpass east of the crossing provides an easy-to-access alternate route to the other side of town.

Itchy fingers courting cars

Summer has brought to the RCMP a half dozen of reports last week on people wandering and randomly checking car doors.

The police advises citizens to secure their vehicles and ensure that their valuables are locked away from prying eyes.

– With files from Sgt. Svend Nielsen, Vanderhoof RCMP


Vanderhoof Omineca Express