Police warn businesses about rash of break and enters and area alarm activations

Police warn businesses about rash of break and enters and area alarm activations

  • Nov. 7, 2011 1:00 p.m.

Barriere RCMP report that over the past few weeks Barriere has experienced break and enters and alarm activations.  Cpl. Mike Mucha says some of the recent alarm activations have thwarted thieves from getting into the Barriere businesses that were targeted.

“It has been apparent that Clearwater has also experienced similar activity,” said Mucha, “Businesses should be setting their alarms to help prevent any losses.”

He also advises area merchants to communicate with other businesses regarding ideas and crime prevention techniques.

“Barriere RCMP will be stepping up street checks and patrols in Barriere; and we need assistance from Barrierites to help in reporting any unusual activity,” said the officer, “To protect ourselves it is recommended that everyone report suspicious activity. This is our community, lets protect it.”

Police have provided the following suggestions to prevent a breaking and entering: Exterior Layout

• Have good lighting in the front and rear (signage, address, access, yard, parking). See that they are working at all times (regular maintenance, automatic timer). Place protective screening on floodlights. Install a padlock or quality lock on the fuse panel, if it is outside.

• Connect all openings which could serve as access points (doors, windows, trapdoors on the roof, aeration hatches) to your security system. Use locks, padlocks, bars, screening, security film, sheets of laminated glass and other materials to reinforce them.

• Put away your tools. Thieves could use them to break down your doors and vandalize your business.

• Protect your products (ex: wood, materials), tools and equipment stored outside. Put them in a fenced yard which is well lit and solidly locked.

• Rid your building of all that could help a thief to conceal himself or to enter (trees that are too high, fork lifts, stacked pallets, etc.).

• Install a video surveillance system. Use a poster to indicate that the premises are monitored at all times.

• Remove graffiti and repair damages promptly.

Interior Layout

• Install solid doors and door frames. Use security locks.

• Leave blinds open and lights on so that the interior may be seen at all times.

• Do not clutter your windows with posters which block the view. Ideally, posters should be placed two metres off the ground.

• Do not display articles of value in the window. If you must do so, remove them before closing. Store them in a secure location.

• Distance your expensive products from doors and windows. Place them in the centre or rear of your store, on the top shelves. Keep small articles of value in locked display cases.

• Place your cash register in plain sight at the entrance. After closing, leave the cash drawer open and empty.

• Ensure that the customers do not see inside your shop storage area. Post signs on the door indicating that access is prohibited.  If necessary, place merchandise in wire cages. Avoid maintaining an excessive quantity of inventory in the store.

• Store your credit card devices, cheque books and cash in your safe at the end of the day.

• With police assistance, have your equipment engraved. Keep a list of your assets in a safe location. Detail the model and serial number of each item.

• Install an integrated security system (alarm and video camera), linked to a tele-surveillance centre. Use a poster to indicate that the premises are monitored at all times.

• Always assure yourself that no one is hiding inside before closing.



Barriere Star Journal