Police warn people to lock doors after week of break-ins

Smithers RCMP are warning homeowners to lock their doors and windows after a series of break-ins the past week and a half.

  • Nov. 28, 2014 6:00 p.m.

Smithers RCMP said they had a busy week-and-a-half including property crime and a possible break-in and candy theft at Roi Theatre:


Nov. 17–

Smithers RCMP received a complaint from BC Hydro advising that sometime in the last 3 months, someone shot out the transmission insulators from a 138,000 KV Power box at the 13 km mark on Lawson Rd in Telkwa, a fairly isolated and unpopulated area. Police have no suspects to date and are seeking information from anyone who may have knowledge of this incident.

Nov. 17–

Smithers RCMP received a report of a break in at a residence on the 7000 block of Highway 16 in Smithers. The homeowner advised that the incident occurred sometime between Nov. 14-16 and noted a black 15″ HP laptop to be missing. Entry was made via a garage window.

Nov. 18 at 9:36 a.m.–

Smithers RCMP received a complaint that a dark-coloured pick-up truck with large tires and a body lift had just spun doughnuts in the parking lot of a church on the 1800 block of Main St in Smithers. As a result, rocks and gravel were thrown, which broke the church’s front glass door, a basement window, and damaged the back window of a parked vehicle in the lot. A witness to the incident advised the truck almost tipped over as it turned onto Main Street, then proceeded to travel north at a high rate of speed.

Nov. 18 at 11:40 a.m.–

Smithers RCMP responded to a report that a house, on the 6100 block of Lake Kathlyn Road in Smithers, had just been broken into. Police attended and met with the homeowner who advised that on returning home they heard a noise then noted that some items had been moved from a drawer and were on the floor, at which point the owner went back outside and called police. Police cleared the residence but did not locate anyone inside, nor was anyone observed fleeing the area. Police noted a bathroom window had been opened and a basement entrance was unlocked, both of which had been previously secured by the homeowner. The only item noted missing was cash. Police conducted extensive patrols and made neighbourhood enquiries. Forensic Identification Services also attended to assist with the investigation, which is ongoing.

Nov. 19 at 10:12 a.m.–

Smithers RCMP responded to a two-car collision at the intersection of Airport Rd and Highway 16 in Smithers. Police attended and observed a white Dodge SX 2.0 stuck behind a brown GMC Yukon. No injuries were reported. Skid marks were observed from the Dodge to the GMC and as such, the driver was issued a violation ticket under the Motor Vehicle Act for Follow Too Closely. The Dodge had significant damage and was towed from the scene.

Nov. 19 at 4:30 p.m.–

Smithers RCMP responded to a call regarding a break and enter at a residence on the 3600 block of 18th Ave in Smithers. The front door had been pried open but nothing had been stolen. No other damage was noted and it is unknown exactly when the incident occurred.

Nov. 27 at 8:05 a.m.–

Smithers RCMP received a report that the front door to the Roi Theatre has been smashed. Police attended and noted the front door glass had been broken with a piece of cement. The incident occurred sometime between 4-8 a.m. The only items noted to possibly be missing was candy, as no money was kept on the premises. There was no damage to any of the theatre equipment.

Nov. 27 at 6:30 p.m.–

Smithers RCMP responded to a report of a residential break and enter on the 3200 block of Railway Ave in Smithers. The incident occurred between 8:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. that day. The only item noted to be taken was cash and the point of entry to the residence was determined to be the front door, although there was no evidence of forced entry. Forensic Identification Services also attended to assist with the investigation which is ongoing.

The Smithers RCMP have noted an increase in property crime over the past couple weeks and would like to remind both town and rural residents to lock all doors and windows when not at home and be aware of anyone who may be in the area walking or driving, or acting in a suspicious manner. This includes persons knocking on doors, day or night, that do not appear to have a legitimate purpose for doing so. Police would like to encourage the public to call if they note any suspicious occurrences or persons in their area, or note any damage, theft or break-in to their home or business.

The Smithers RCMP and Northwest Traffic Services focused on Speed Relative to Conditions during the month of November and remind the public that a driver may be ticketed while driving within the posted speed limit if road conditions are severe (extremely icy or slippery). Police are already planning the Winter Counter Attack program for the holiday season. Dec. 5 is National Impaired Driving Enforcement Day, so expect to see officers on the roads and doing road checks specifically targeting impaired drivers. Please drive to conditions, plan a safe ride home and use designated driver services when available.


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