Polson Park plan proceeds

No immediate changes will occur in Vernon’s Polson Park.

No immediate changes will occur in Vernon’s Polson Park.

Despite some calls for upgrades to the Japanese gardens, city council has decided to delay any substantive improvements or changes until the Polson Park master plan is completed, and a prioritazation  and funding strategy is developed.

“It doesn’t make sense to invest money of any consequences until we have a master plan,” said Coun. Juliette Cunnigham.

The city’s sister cities committee had expressed some concerns about the condition of the Japanese gardens.

Minor repairs, such as broken curbing and damage to the structure, will be addressed in 2014.

A draft Polson Park master plan could be completed in 2015.

“It will provide overall direction for the park, including future improvements,” said Shirley Koenig, director of operation services.


Vernon Morning Star