Lance Dobosz has been charged with several sexual offences involving minors. Facebook photo

Lance Dobosz has been charged with several sexual offences involving minors. Facebook photo

Port Alberni man charged with sexual offences involving minors

Lance Dobosz, 41, has been released on bail following numerous sexual offence charges

Port Alberni man Lance Dobosz has been charged with numerous sexual offences involving minors.

The 41-year-old has been charged with sexual interference of a person under 16, sexual assault, using a computer to lure a child under 14, making sexually explicit material available to a person under 18, and arranging a sexual offence against a child. All charges occurred between December 2015 and September 2017.

Dobosz has been released on bail under conditions he does not contact people involved in the case, does not communicate or be alone with anyone 16 years old or younger and not attend any public park, school, daycare, swimming pool, playground or community centre where persons 16 years old or younger are present or could be expected to be present. In addition, Dobosz must not have access to internet in his home or use it anywhere. He can’t possess or consume alcohol or drugs and must not access any type of pornographic material.

Dobosz will appear next in Port Alberni law courts on Feb. 21.

Alberni Valley News