The site of the former Arrowview Hotel, on Second Avenue and Athol Street, as of Jan. 14, 2020. (Elena Rardon/Black Press)

Port Alberni pressures owner of demolished hotel, Lantzville’s Pottie, for final cleanup

Demolition finished in June 2020 but site still full of construction material

  • Jan. 17, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The City of Port Alberni will be reaching out to the owner of the former Arrowview Hotel about cleaning up his property, as the demolition site has become “a bit of an eyesore.”

After years of ownership changes and delays, demolition of the derelict building finally began in 2019. The owner, Stan Pottie, and his crew from DJ Excavating in Lantzville completed demolition in June of 2020, but not the cleanup.

The site is now covered in demolition debris and surrounded by a construction fence. City CAO Tim Pley said during a council meeting on Monday, Jan. 11, that the site is not unsafe, but “a bit of an eyesore” and has generated a few neighbourhood complaints.

READ MORE: Derelict hotel in Port Alberni sold

READ MORE: Infamous Arrowview Hotel is gone, opening up a new view in Port Alberni

Coun. Ron Paulson proposed reaching out to the owner.

“If nothing concrete comes out of that, we could move on to a little bit harder line,” said Paulson. “But the spirit of co-operation has been pretty good.”

Coun. Ron Corbeil offered his thanks to Pottie for demolishing the building, but added that “it’s been a long time.”

On Monday, council asked staff to reach out to Pottie and find out what his plans are for the site. Staff will bring the topic back to the next meeting of council on Jan. 25.

In a later conversation with the Alberni Valley News, Pottie said cleanup of the area was delayed by COVID-19, but he still plans to have it finished once the weather clears up.

His ultimate goal is to put up a condominium project on the old land.

elena.rardon@albernivalleynews.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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