Port Alice clears field of beams

PORT ALICE – Wood waste won't pile up at the ball field in future.

  • Feb. 24, 2011 3:00 p.m.

Wood wasteWaste wood won’t pile up at the ball field in future. Council voted unanimously to implement the Public Works Committee’s recommendation to stop using the space behind Angus Dawson Ball Field for temporary waste wood storage. With removal of the current pile scheduled for  mid-February council agreed that another alternative to the waste wood storage problem be found.Bridge checkCouncil directed public works to determine whether the village’s bridges need to be inspected. The public works foreman has discussed the issue with a consultant who was recently in the area. Council tasked the director of operations with arranging an inspection of the municipal bridges if the need is confirmed.New truckThe village’s new dump truck’s snow plow controls have some fabrication issues that Director of Operations Keir Gervais is looking into. Gervais is in communication with the service providers seeking a solution.Council directed that the old dump truck and snow plow be sold as soon as possible and that the possession date be close to March 31, 2011.CETACouncil reviewed a letter from CUPE BC Division president, Barry O’Niel asking council to read their report titled Public Water for Sale: How Canada Will Privatize our Public Water Systems. The report says that the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, CETA, that is currently being negotiated with the European Union would allow Canada’s drinking water to be fully covered under a trade agreement. The report also says that CETA presents the first instance of a trade agreement covering municipal procurement of water services.Councillor Ardie Bazinet urged council to keep a close eye on the CETA process and the issue of control of the public’s water.

North Island Gazette