Port Clements seniors stay busy with social events

  • Nov. 23, 2012 4:00 p.m.

Submitted article–The Port Clements seniors meet every second Friday of the month except for special occasions and the summer months. Our group includes seniors from Tlell and our monthly luncheon attendance is usually between 30 and 40 seniors, and sometimes guests. Tuesdays and Thursdays we hold a drop-in centre from 1:30 to 4 pm that is open to all seniors on Haida Gwaii. In September we displayed the new, much-needed custom-built utility closet, which includes space for the carpet for carpet bowling. Our Thanksgiving Feast on Oct. 12 was spectacular with turkey, ham and all the trimmings, including scrumptious desserts. The committee members were the organizers and the seniors attending donated the rest of the food to make it a great success. We lost some dear members this past year, Roy and Ellen Woolverton and Ernie Chapman. Ernie and other veterans’ photos were on display Nov. 11 for Remembrance Day in our Seniors Room along with brightly accented art and poetry by the elementary students. We held our regular monthly luncheon and meeting Nov. 9, and a surprise annual meeting was held with elections. A replacement for the secretarial position was found, taking over from Elaine Nyeholt who served faithfully for many years. Bunny continues as our Port Clements president plus first and second vice president positions were filled this year. Dez Decembrini was elected president of BC Seniors at the convention in Fort St. John. Our next luncheon is on Dec. 7 and our catered Christmas dinner is being held Dec. 14 at 5 pm. All seniors of Port Clements are included and must register ahead by calling Marilyn at 557-8548 or Bunny at 557-4436. Members of Branch 123 who live in Tlell are also invited. Gifts will be given and a fun trade session usually ensues in a packed to capacity room glittering with decorations. A post-Christmas supper is planned for Dec. 28 at 5 pm especially for members who are alone at this time of year, helping them feel close in our small community (all members may attend). Bingo will be held after dinner.

Haida Gwaii Observer