Port Edward Council: In Brief

Port Edward Council topics include: bylaw for temporary lodging, gas tax fund and meeting with the president of Pacific NorthWest LNG.

Bylaw for temporary lodging

More movement is happening with the AltaGas propane export project. The proponent submitted an application to temporarily amend a bylaw that would allow zoning for camp lodging if the project goes ahead.

The land in question is across from Kinnikinnick Campground and RV Park.

“We are in the process of receiving a development application for four lots. It’s a joint venture between Metlakatla and AltaGas but they’re keeping their lots separate,” said the chief administrative officer, Bob Payette.

In a previous community open house, AltaGas representatives explained that the project is a $400-$500 million investment and would hire 250 construction workers, and 40 permanent full-time staff members to operate the export facility.

Council gave a first and second reading of Bylaw No. 540 and will offer a notice of a public hearing on the bylaw at a later date.

The Ministry of Transportation must also give its approval before the bylaw can go into a third reading by council.

Gas tax fund

Port Edward is getting the first of two Community Works Fund payments in August.

The first installment is for more than $457,700. The bi-annual payments are distributed by the Union of BC Municipalities to all local governments in the province.

Meeting President of Pacific NorthWest LNG

Councillor Grant Moore and chief administrative officer Bob Payette highlighted their meeting with the president and CEO of Pacific NorthWest LNG, Adnan Zainal Abidin. The liquefied natural gas export facility planned for Lelu Island is still under review by the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA) and the federal government.

Moore said one big takeaway from the meeting was that the rumours in U.S. newspapers that the proponent plans to cancel the project is unfounded.

“The president said none of the shareholders have met and they won’t bother to meet until there is a CEAA announcement.”

The district discussed with the proponent their next steps, which is basically waiting for the CEAA report and then doing a review of the project and trying to lower costs before they take it to their board for a final decision.


The Northern View