North Island Gazette file photo of Port McNeill council

Port McNeill council roundup: SD85, tourism and zoning discussed

More news from Port McNeill's April 13 council meeting.

  • Apr. 16, 2021 12:00 a.m.


A request by School District 85 to erect a temporary shelter for students waiting at the dock for their school boat was approved by Port McNeill council at its April 13 meeting.

The shelter will be permitted for the balance of this school season as well as the 2021/22-school season.

In other council news, the Tourism Advisory Committee sought and received the support of council to move ahead with the Vancouver Island North Tourism recommendation to increase the hotel guest (user) tax in Port McNeill. The change would see the current 2 per cent hotel tax move to 3 per cent and the entire 1 per cent increase in revenue would be used solely for the promotion of tourism initiatives in Port McNeill. Most other communities on the north and mid-island are or will be charging the 3 per cent user tax.

A request to amend the downtown Commercial-1 (C-1) zoning to allow for the retail sale of automobiles was forwarded to the Advisory Planning Commission for analysis and recommendations.

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