Some of the hand-crafted rocks that have been laid out on the road by the airpot. (Melissa Lavoie/Facebook)

Some of the hand-crafted rocks that have been laid out on the road by the airpot. (Melissa Lavoie/Facebook)

Positivity rocks: Golden resident brings positivity to community

Brandi Romano hand crafts the rocks with her kids as a distraction from COVID-19

  • Apr. 2, 2020 12:00 a.m.

What started out as a simple distraction for Brandi Romano and her kids from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has turned into a campaign of positivity for all of Golden to enjoy.

Romano and her kids have decorated more than one hundred rocks and have been leaving them along 5th Street, on the way out to the airport.

“At first it was just something to brighten someone’s day, but now I hope it grows,” said Romano.

“I was just looking to say things to others that I wanted to hear myself.”

Romano said she chose that particular location as it’s well-travelled and a popular area for people on walks. With everyone on lockdown, it’s been a popular trail for those trying to get a bit of fresh air during social distancing.

She said the area is big enough that people can maintain space and social distance appropriately, allowing people to ‘connect without connecting’.

“There are at least 200 rocks there now and someone has done paintings on the telephone posts, so there are all sorts of stuff spreading from it and it’s really neat,” she said.

Romano decorates her rocks with sharpies but said she’s seen others use things like paint and using Mod Podge to make the project their own.

The added diversity and personalization that others have brought is a nice touch, with Romano estimating that at least five others have contributed now to the growing rock collection, based on the different handwriting and styles she’s seen. Romano said she’s enjoyed watching the response on Facebook and seeing the collection grow.

“I like the fact that it’s inspired people to take their minds off of what’s going on,” said Romano. “It makes me happy to see people post a rock and say ‘look, I found this today and I really needed it’.”

Next, Romano said they’ve already started laying out some rocks at the hospital with encouraging words.

Golden Star