Post-partum support group forced to shut down

Shuswap Family Resource Centre is forced to close Mother's Journey pre-natal and post-natal
support group due to lack of funds.

Mothers struggling with post-partum depression now have one less place to turn. The Shuswap Family Resource Centre’s Mother’s Journey Prenatal and Postnatal Support Group has been cancelled, much to the centre’s regret.

The group ran for ten months, ending March 31. Executive director Patti Thurston said they ran it hoping they would get the appropriate funding.

“We keep hearing from the doctors and the local people how important this group is,” said Thurston.

Trish Johnson, who works in the Pregnancy Outreach program, was trained through the Pacific Postpartum Support Society to facilitate the group which had a waiting list within the first two weeks. Without the group, case-loads are building up as there is no other group that tends to the needs of mothers suffering from postpartum depression. Johnson says it’s a lot of work for them and outside sources. Mothers may wait weeks to see someone, which Johnson says is a long time for someone who is suffering from depression.

“About half of the referrals I’ve received in the past month have been based on depression,” said Johnson. “Now these women aren’t being supported as well as they could be. They need this group.”

Johnson sees between 35 to 55 families a month as an outreach worker and says she can see the impact and the needs of the community.

“You can really see the amount of people that are suffering with anxieties and depressions,” said Johnson. “It’s difficult for them to get the support as soon as they need it.”

Thurston said group facilitation is effective, offering mothers not only education and support, but also a night out with child care. The group ran on a 25-week cycle and mothers could join or leave at any point. Education was the key focus, including self-awareness and coping mechanisms.

“Just to be able to talk to other women, and feel like you are normal, there’s nothing odd about you, you’re not strange, you aren’t going crazy…” said Johnson. “That normalcy is huge.”

Mother’s Journey is one of three underfunded programs at the Shuswap Family Resource Centre. Thurston hopes to be able to run the program in the fall but says they are desperate for funding at this point.

Johnson is grateful for the support the group received this past year from Columbia Shuswap Regional District, Salmar Community Association and the Deo Lutheran Church.


Salmon Arm Observer