A two day event hosted by Lake Babine Nation at the Living Waters Pentecostal Church in Burns Lake caused potential exposure to COVID-19. (Eddie Huband photo/Lakes District News)

Potential COVID-19 exposure at Lake Babine Nation event

Members who attended weekend event are being advised to monitor for symptoms

  • Sep. 8, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Lake Babine Nation’s (LBN) emergency operation centre issued a statement on their Facebook page stating a two day event from the weekend of Aug. 28 and 29 caused potential exposure to COVID-19. The event was held at the Living Waters Pentecostal Church, located on Mulvaney Crescent off of Hwy. 16 in Burns Lake.

People who were present at the event are being advised to monitor for symptoms and to report any changes of health to the LBN health department, the LBN emergency operation centre or to contact the COVID-19 information line 1(844) 645-7811.

In the post, LBN reminded its members to continue to wear a mask, to wash hands and use sanitizer regularly and to practice social distancing.

According to Northern Health’s protocols, if you have been told you’ve been in close contact to someone with COVID-19, your next steps as a close contact depend on your vaccination status and the date of your last exposure. Your last date of exposure is the last time you spent time with an individual diagnosed with COVID-19. A close contact is generally someone who has been near a person with COVID-19 for at least 15 minutes when health and safety measures were not in place or were insufficient.

The protocols are as follows:

If you are not vaccinated for COVID-19, you need to self-isolate and monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 for 10 days from your last date of exposure. You need to continue to monitor for symptoms for an additional four days.

If you have been double vaccinated for COVID-19 for at least seven days before your last date of exposure, you need to monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 for 14 days. You do not need to self isolate.

If you are partially vaccinated for COVID-19, or unsure about what to do, please self-isolate and call the public health COVID-19 phone line at 1-855-755-3555 ext. 507979.

According to the B.C. centre for disease control, delta has become the most common COVID-19 variant in the province over the past few weeks. Delta spreads easily between people and may lead to more serious outcomes than other versions of COVID-19 for adults. The current vaccines protect against all variants of concern, including delta.

On Sept. 1 there were 785 confirmed cases of COVID-19 throughout the province, 94 of those being in Northern Health. The province continues to see the spread of delta variant which has caused daily cases to be above 500 for several days.

Burns Lake Lakes District News