Laurie Middle School has reported a potential exposure to Covid-19.

Potential Covid exposure at Cranbrook middle school

A potential exposure to Covid-19 at Laurie Middle School in Cranbrook has been reported by SD 5.

A potential exposure to Covid-19 at Laurie Middle School in Cranbrook has been reported by School District 5.

In a letter to staff and families of the school, the District said “a member of the Laurie Middle School community” had tested positive for Covid 19, and was self-isolating at home with support from local public health teams.

The letter was posted on Facebook by BC School Covid Tracker, and citizens initiative group, and later confirmed by Interior Health.

“The individual was present on the school campus on Dec. 4, 2020,” the letter read. “To protect the privacy of the individual affected, we will not be providing any additional details.”

Interior Health is undertaking contact tracing to find out if any other members of the school community were in contact with the person who tested positive, and to determine if any further steps are required, including if anyone else in the school community is required to self-isolate.

“The safety and well-being of our students, family and staff remains our highest priority,” the letter read. “Please be reassured that our school will continue to implement the strict protocols and procedures we have in place so that children can continue to attend school as safely as possible.

“Students should continue to come to school while contact tracing is underway … Please continue daily check checks to monitor your child for illness.”

Cranbrook Townsman