Potential low-risk COVID-19 exposure at Comox Community Centre

Island Health is not conducting contact tracing for those who were in the studio at the time

Comox Community Centre. Photo via comox.ca

Island Health has advised the Town of Comox there was potential low-risk COVID-19 exposure at the Comox Community Centre fitness studio on May 17.

In a press release, the town noted the event was categorized as a low transmission risk event and as such, Island Health is not conducting contact tracing for those who were in the studio at the time. They added that Island Health is not asking anyone to self-isolate from the event and encourages everyone to self-monitor for symptoms.

The town said they have been informed the person in the building followed all of the required guidelines while in the community centre, but do not have any further information regarding the time frame in which the exposure event happened.

Last week, families from the Highland Secondary School community in the town received a letter about a potential COVID-19 exposure.

The letter from medical health officers was sent to parents, guardians, families and staff at Highland on May 17 to say that a member of the school community has tested positive for the coronavirus.

There were several dates listed for potential exposure: May 3 to 7 and May 10 to 14. The letter states that for privacy reasons, officials cannot give out any more detailed information.

COVID-19 cases have been falling lately compared with a month earlier when there were typically more than 1,000 new cases a day. There had been several schools in the Comox Valley with potential exposures during the early months of 2021. At one point, there were six schools identified over eight days.

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