Power surge damages equipment, forces closure of Roxy Theatre

The Roxy Theatre is closed tonight and possibly longer after power surge knocked out control board for the digital projector on Thursday.

The Roxy Theatre is closed for at least tonight and possibly longer after a power surge knocked out the control board for the digital projector on Thursday.

Carl Rankin, manager of the Roxy Theatre, said the surge happened following a brownout at around 2 p.m. on Thursday.

As a result, he had to close down the theatre last night and tonight as well. He said he ordered a new board for the projector, but was unsure when it would arrive.

He said he was filing a claim with BC Hydro to have the power company pay to replace the board.

“This particular board doesn’t have a failure rate,” he said. “They’re rock solid for 10–15 years. To have one go in a three-year-old projector is highly unusual.”

Rankin also said two other people told him about similar issues from the surge – one who lost a 52-inch widescreen TV and another who lost his computer. The Times Review has been unable to substantiate these claims.

“Whatever the surge was when the power came back on Thursday afternoon, it caused a lot of damage around town,” he said.

Ranking said closing down the theatre for an entire weekend could be “catastrophic.” He hoped to be open again on Saturday, but the theatre could stay closed for the entire weekend.

“For us, losing a night is one thing, but in our fragile position losing two or three days is catastrophic.”

A BC Hydro spokesperson said Rankin should file a claim and BC Hydro would investigate.


Revelstoke Times Review