Bobby Orr, left, and Mario Lemieux are near the of most lists when discussing the best NHL players of all-time. (File/THE CANADIAN PRESS/AP-Mark J. Terrill)

Bobby Orr, left, and Mario Lemieux are near the of most lists when discussing the best NHL players of all-time. (File/THE CANADIAN PRESS/AP-Mark J. Terrill)

PQBeat Podcast: Who is the best NHL player of all-time?

Listen: Hockey talk includes Gretzky, Orr, Lemieux and Mr. Hockey

  • Apr. 26, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The PQB News has launched a podcast, PQBeat (follow us here). For our latest installment, amid all the COVID-19 news, we thought we’d again keep things light and fun. In the absence of the Stanley Cup playoffs, VI Free Daily editor Philip Wolf talked with VI Free Daily/PQB News publisher Peter McCully about hockey players. Who’s the best NHL player of all time? Who are their favourites? Listen in to find out. Who’s your favourite? Join the debate here.

PQBeat · Top 3 Hockey Players – Philip Wolf and Peter McCully – 4:17:20

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