Don Dempson and Susanna Newton visit the PQB News/VI Free Daily studio. (Peter McCully photo)

PQBeat: SOS project aims to raise $1 million to assist residents during COVID-19 pandemic

Podcast: Needs of community members have become more urgent

  • May. 3, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The PQB News podcast PQBeat can be found here. You can also search ‘PQBeat’ on Spotify, Google Podcasts, iTunes or the Podcast App on your iPhone).

PQBeat · SOS Project Rebuild Campaign – 4:29:21

For our latest installment (click the arrow in the top left of the above photo to listen), PQB News/VI Free Daily editor Philip Wolf talks with Susanna Newton, executive director for the Society of Organized Services and campaign chair Don Dempson about Project REBUILD, an effort in Parksville Qualicum Beach, through the SOS, to raise $1 million to do big things in the community.

A transcript of the podcast appears in Wednesday’s print issue of the PQB News.

MORE: Listen to all PQBeat podcasts here.

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