Generic photo of a cat's paws, unrelated to this story. Image: Pixabay.

Generic photo of a cat's paws, unrelated to this story. Image: Pixabay.

Predator mutilated cats in Kelowna: BC SPCA

The BC SPCA confirmed a mutilated cat was killed by a predator

The BC SPCA is confirming the mutilated body of a cat that was discovered in a downtown Kelowna neighbourhood was killed by a predator.

Regional manager for the Cruelty Investigation Department Brian Kijowski said a necropsy was conducted on one of the cats.

“It was a predator that committed the attack on this cat. We are thinking it was maybe a coyote or raccoon,” he said.

Bodies of several cats were reported near Mantera Glen Park, Lombardy Park and Parkinson Recreational Park back in June.

For a couple of days in June, people took to social media claiming they had found more dead cats in the area.

However, since that time the BC SPCA has had no reports of dead cats in Kelowna.

Kijowski explained it is puppy season for coyotes in the Okanagan and mothers will be hunting for food for their pups.

“We do have a large coyote population in Kelowna and they may be hunting in these parks,” Kijowski said.

He said it’s possible for a predator to move on after not finding a food source. Residents were asked to keep their pets safe inside.

On July 9, the BC SPCA received an unconfirmed report of an orange tabby that was sliced in half in the Clifton Road area, but Kijowski said the matter has yet to be investigated.

READ MORE: Reports of mutilated cats discovered in downtown Kelowna

READ MORE: Predator possibly killed cats in Kelowna: BC SPCA

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