Preliminary hearing for murder of Kelowna mom begins

Conor Grossmith is accused if killing his mother, Kate Gilchrist.

  • Oct. 15, 2013 1:00 p.m.

A preliminary hearing is scheduled to get underway today (Tuesday) for a young man accused of using a hammer to kill his mother last year.

Conor Frederick Grossmith is accused of attacking his mother, 57-year-old Kate Gilchrist, in her home on Sept. 13, 2012. She died nine days later, leading to Grossmith, now 25, being charged with murder.

His mental state at the time she was attacked is an issue in the case.

The preliminary hearing, which will determine if there is enough evidence to proceed to trial, is scheduled to last eight days. Testimony at the hearing will likely be covered by a publication ban.

Kelowna Capital News