Preparation urged for winter driving

Police are urging motorists to get ready now for the winter driving season.

With cooler temperatures and the possibility of snow in the days or weeks ahead, police are urging motorists to get ready now for the winter driving season.

Cpl. Bruce Haley of the Summerland RCMP detachment said there are many accidents following the first snowfall of the season.

“Drivers are often unprepared for the winter,” he said.

He said good winter tires are important, especially for motorists travelling over mountain passes in the winter.

On the passes, motorists must have tires with the snowflake symbol or the M+S symbol.

Studded tires are allowed on vehicles from Oct. 1 to April 31, but motorists who use studded tires must have the tires on all four wheels, not just on the powered wheels.

Throughout the winter, Haley said accidents also result when motorists drive too fast for the road conditions.

The posted speed limit is the maximum speed under ideal conditions. During wet, slippery, snowy or icy conditions, motorists should slow down, he said.

“Allow enough time to reach your destination,” he said.

Haley said visibility can also be limited during snowy or wet winter conditions.

He said motorists should ensure they have adequate windshield washer fluid.

While road conditions are a factor in some of the winter traffic accidents, Haley said it is important for all drivers to be prepared.

“People get caught by surprise,” he said, “but ultimately it’s the driver’s responsibility.”


Summerland Review