BCWS is conducting a prescribed burn between Buck Flats Road and the Morice Forest Service Road. (Angelique Houlihan photo/Houston Today)

Prescribed burn between Buck Flats and Morice Forest Service roads

To take place anytime until end of May

  • Apr. 28, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The BC Wildfire Service (BCWS) will be conducting a prescribed burn with the Forest Enhancement Society of British Columbia (FESBC) starting April until May end.

The wildfire service sent out a news release last week stating that they would be conducting a prescribed burn anytime between April 22 to the end of May, to reduce the risk of wildfire impact to the community of Houston.

The area identified for the prescribed burn is located approximately 7.5 kilometers southwest of Houston between Buck Flats Road and the Morice Forest Service Road. This area has been identified by the District of Houston as a wildfire threat to the community. The total amount of land outlined for the broadcast burning, a method where the fire carries through unpiled debris over a prescribed area, is 230 hectares sectioned off into ten separate parcels of land.

Earlier in April, the BCWS carried out pile burning activity on April 12 near this region in preparation for the prescribed burn.

Applying prescribed fire to these areas will remove residual slash left-over after harvesting and reduce fuel load that, in the event of a wildfire, could lead to more intense fire behaviour and added difficulty and danger to suppression efforts.

The long-term goal for the project is to promote a stand conversion from coniferous trees to deciduous while reducing the availability of fire fuels. This will reduce the threat of a wildfire ignition within the area as well as assist wildland and urban fire professionals to fight a wildfire that approaches the community.

BCWS personnel will monitor the fire at all times. The news release also stated that burning will only occur when conditions are appropriate to ensure safety, meet objectives and allow for adequate smoke dispersal. Smoke may be visible from Houston and surrounding areas.

The BCWS has had several pile burning activities happening; from the 150 piles in Houston that took place at the beginning of April, to B.C. Wildfire Service and the Burns Lake Community Forest’s pile burning five kilometres southwest of Burns Lake since April 9. There is also pile burning planned for 150 piles in the Lund Road Subdivision, near Houston as well as 50 piles’ pile burning at Mount Harry Davis, six kilometres north of Houston.

To report a wildfire, unattended campfire or open burning violation, call 1-800-663-5555 toll-free or *5555 on a cell phone.

Houston Today