A prescribed burn is being planned southeast of Chase in mid-April. (BC Wildfire Service Photo)

Prescribed burn planned for Neskonlith band land near Chase

Residents should not be alarmed if they see rising smoke between April 12 and 30

Residents of the Chase area who see smoke rising from the south side of the Thompson River in the coming days should be aware the flames are under control.

The BC Wildfire Service and the Neskonlith band will be undertaking a prescribed burn approximately five kilometres southwest of Chase. According to the wildfire service, the burn will be about 18.9 hectares in size and will be visible from Pritchard, Chase and the Trans-Canada Highway.

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The goal of the prescribed burn is to reduce wildfire risks to the Neskonlith band and nearby communities. A notice from the wildfire service states that a low to moderate-intensity surface fire will be utilized to remove combustible materials. It is hoped the burn will reduce the threat of more serious wildfires in the future.

“Personnel from Neskonlith Indian Band and the BC Wildfire Service will carefully prepare, control and monitor the fire at all times. It will be ignited only if conditions are suitable and will allow for quick smoke dissipation,” the notice reads.

The work is part of Neskonlith’s Community Resiliency Investment Program project. The work is funded through a government program which supports FireSmart initiatives including fuel management.

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