Pressure cooker in Abbotsford Airport parking lot results in police response

Caller reports suspicious object on Wednesday morning

A robot was deployed Wednesday morning in a parking lot at the Abbotsford Airport to check out the contents of a pressure cooker.

A robot was deployed Wednesday morning in a parking lot at the Abbotsford Airport to check out the contents of a pressure cooker.

Officers with the Abbotsford Police Department (APD) weren’t sure what to expect when they arrived at the Abbotsford Airport to inspect a suspicious object this morning (Wednesday).

A caller had reported just before 7 a.m. that a pressure cooker had been left in an empty parking spot in one of the airport parking lots.

Previous serious incidents involving pressure-cooker bombs – including at the 2013 Boston Marathon – meant that officers needed to use an “abundance of caution” when checking out the item, said APD spokesman Const. Ian MacDonald.

The parking lot was shut down to traffic, and the emergency response team robot was deployed to take a closer look.

But when the robot moved in and tapped at the pressure cooker, the mood was immediately lightened.

The small household appliance contained a harmless substance – homemade soup.

MacDonald said police surmise that someone was en route home with the broth, set it on the ground as they loaded their suitcases into their car, and inadvertently left it behind as they drove away.

He said police were not able to locate the owner of the mystery soup.



Abbotsford News