Pressure placed on township for increased trails

The Armstrong Spallumcheen Trails Society is hoping for township support as it looks to the future

The Armstrong Spallumcheen Trails Society is hoping for township support as it looks to the future.

The non-profit society is working to increase trails around the Spallumcheen valley, and sees trails as an investment of public lands contributing to the community’s health and economic future by encouraging outdoor activities for all ages.

“Our goal is the same as yours, building a strong, vibrant and prosperous community,” said ASTS board member Jill de la Salle in a presentation to Spallumcheen council.

After speaking with other trail societies, ASTS’ board of directors learned that trail development proceeded most successfully when a strong partnership existed between the community and local government.

ASTS is hopeful that a partnership between its group and the township will achieve what they call a “mutual goal of further trail development in and around Spallumcheen.”

“The township has supported trail development in the past and we are aware that more trails be developed according to the township’s master trails plan,” said board member Susan van den Tillaart.

ASTS has asked for two interested members – one councillor and one staff – join the board to help advocate for ATST on council and to help compile necessary information for further trail development.

Council received the request.

“There’s real interest in it (request),” said Coun. Todd York.

“We’d like to do the best job we can do.”

Council is expected to discuss the matter at its next meeting on May 4.

ASTS is also presenting to Armstrong council on Monday.

The next meeting for ASTS is May 5.



Vernon Morning Star