Previously ineligible groups can apply for community gaming grants until Feb. 13

The provincial government is encouraging groups to apply for a special community gaming grant application intake, which ends Feb. 13.

Groups focussing on adult arts and sports, animal welfare and the environment have until Feb. 13 to take advantage of a special community gaming grant application intake.

Earlier this month, Premier Christy Clark announced the provincial government was increasing its annual community gaming grant base budget to $135 million —  $15 million more than originally budgeted for 2011-12, according to a news release by the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development.

As a result, the Province is holding a special intake between Jan. 16 and Feb. 13 so that previously ineligible groups can apply for grants this fiscal year.

These groups include non-profit and charitable organizations that deliver services related to adult arts and culture, adult sports, the environment and animal welfare. Animal shelters, fish and wildlife associations, lake and stream stewardship societies, district arts councils, museum societies, theatres and other similar groups are now eligible to apply online.

For more information about applying for this special intake of community gaming grants, click here.

Ladysmith Chronicle