Primary Care Society wants to introduce all-access passes for town

Fort St. James municipal council received a proposal for partial funding of a town-wide access card for medical professionals.

The Fort St. James Primary Care Home Society (FSJPCHA) is looking for $1, 000 from each of their partners to help purchase town-wide access cards for healthcare professionals.

The FSJPCHA has asked that their three partners, the District of Fort St. James, Nak’azdli Band and Tl’azt’en First Nation donate the money as a way of attracting new medical professionals to the town.

Chest Hiebert, one of the people involved in running the FSJPCHA, penned a letter to municipal council outlining the FSJPCHA’s plan to create and purchase all-access passes for the towns recreational activities.

“We’d like to engage our members more directly with a new initiative,” read the letter. “Medical students are cycling through our clinic. As it hosts more and more of these students those working at the clinic have become aware of the med-students’ desire to engage in some of our recreation facilities, such as gyms.”

The initiative proposed is designed to off a one-size-fits-all package for facilities in the town that includes gyms, the golf course, ski hill, Music Makers and Arts Council programs.

By providing these types of passes to medical students and other healthcare professionals in the town the FSJPCHA is hoping to attract more doctors to the area.

Council received the proposal at their Nov. 26 meeting but as of press time had made no concrete decision as to whether or not they will take part in the initiative.

Nak’azdli and Tl’azt’en First Nations did not immediately respond to requests for comment.


Caledonia Courier