Hole 10 is now inaccessible due to the bridge being torn off its foundations. Sept. 22 (Photo: Norman Galimski/The Northern View)

Prince Rupert Golf Club closed until further notice

Heavy rains damage two bridges with one needing to be replaced

  • Sep. 22, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Prince Rupert Golf Course (PRGC) is closed until further notice due to heavy rain damaging features of the course, Ross McNish, treasurer of the club, said on Sept. 22.

Two bridges were damaged, with one needing to be fully replaced, due to inclement weather in the city on Sept. 20 and 21.

“What we know is that there was heavy-duty rainfall that raised the creek to a level never seen before, and it lifted one bridge completely off its foundation and raised another one about a foot,” McNish told The Northern View.

The bridge connecting the main walkway from the clubhouse to the first hole of the course was lifted, with the bridge connecting to hole 10 being washed away at one end several meters.

“We plan to get this open in the next day or two on a limited basis,” Iain Cullen, PRGC president, said.

“If they can get number one back on its feet, we’ll proceed with some golf. It’ll be limited because there’s just no access to the Tee-box,” Cullen said, adding golfers may play 17 holes or nine holes twice.

As for the bridge on hole 10, Cullen believes it will be out for the rest of the year because it needs to be replaced entirely.


Norman Galimski | Journalist 

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Prince Rupert Northern View


A view of the bridge to hole 10 as seen from the eastern side on Sept. 22 (Photo: Norman Galimski/The Northern View)

The bridge to hole 10 was dragged off from one end the path and into the surrounding bush. Sept. 21 (Photo: Norman Galimski/The Northern View)

A view of the bridge to hole 10 as seen from the western side beside the driving range on Sept. 22. (Photo: Norman Galimski/The Northern View)

The bridge to hole 10 was ripped out of the ground and off its foundations from the heavy rains on Sept. 20 and Sept. 21. Sept. 22 (Photo: Norman Galimski/The Northern View)

The bridge, as seen on Sept. 22, leading to hole one was lifted about 30 cm off its foundation during the flooding of the creek on Sept. 20 and Sept. 21. (Photo: Norman Galimski/The Northern View)

The bridge leading to hole one is damaged having been lifted about 30 cm during the flooding on Sept. 20 and Sept 21. Sept. 22 (Photo: Norman Galimski/The Northern View)

The bridge leading to hole one is damaged having been lifted about 30 cm during the flooding on Sept. 20 and Sept 21. Sept. 22 (Photo: Norman Galimski/The Northern View)