Prince Rupert Golf Society frustrated about not being consulted

When mayor Jack Mussallem publicly proposed selling the golf course into private ownership, he didn't warn the golf society first.

  • Sep. 13, 2012 12:00 p.m.

The Prince Rupert Golf Society is frustrated that they were not consulted before the mayor put forward the idea in council of selling the Prince Rupert Golf Course into private ownership in order to save money.

The members of the society – which is in charge of running the golf course for the City – met on Monday to discuss the issue.

“We’re a little disappointed that the mayor or council wouldn’t have approached the executive of the golf club that’s managing the golf course that they were looking at the possibility of selling it,” said golf society president, Terry Sawka.

The idea was not a formal proposal; there was no motion or other action taken by council on mayor Mussallem’s idea, no set date for discussing it again, and no asking for a report from City staff on the idea’s feasibility. But Sawka isn’t so sure that the mayor would just propose to sell a public amenity such as the golf course without discussing it beforehand.

“I would suspect that there has been some discussions, maybe in a closed council meeting” says Sawka.

The golf society has decided to press the issue and has made arrangements to appear before council at their October 9 meeting, and ask councilors to better explain what their intentions toward the golf course are. Society members are meeting again this Monday to come up a formal position on the issue.









The Northern View