Bells will be ringing out across the country Sunday, marking a century since the end of the First World War. File image

Bells will be ringing out across the country Sunday, marking a century since the end of the First World War. File image

Princeton: Listen Sunday for the Bells of Peace

On November 11, 1918, church bells rang out across communities in Canada. It was a spontaneous gesture - an expression of relief after four years of fear and suffering.

On November 11, 1918, church bells rang out across communities in Canada. It was a spontaneous gesture – an expression of relief after four years of fear and suffering.

One hundred years later, on Sunday November 11, the bells will ring again in Princeton, and in other towns and cities, to commemorate the importance of that moment.

Legion President Doreen Poulsen said the Bells of Peace initiative is “designed to emulate that moment in honor of our veterans who served in the First World War.”

Twenty people have been invited to take part in the ceremony – students, seniors, Rotary members, Legion members, and two descendants of First World War veterans.

They will each ring the bell at the United Church five times, once every minute.

The ringing will begin at sunset.

“It’s quite a special year,” said Poulsen.

While in larger communities the bells will ring on many streets, Poulsen said Princeton will have only one voice.

“The United Church is the only place that has a bell actually.”

Members of the community are invited to attend as well, to witness the event.

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