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Princeton man guilty of threatening landlord now lives in car

Pressure of COVID and possible eviction cited as reasons for charge

  • Feb. 18, 2021 12:00 a.m.

A Princeton man pleaded guilty Thursday in circuit court to uttering threats.

Michael Bernetson received a 12-month suspended sentence for the incident, which court heard was the result of a protracted landlord tenant dispute.

Bernetson was about to be evicted from his home, according to Crown counsel Ann Lerch.

Lerch read aloud a Facebook message written by Bernetson that included profanity and said “there is someone going to be waiting in the dark to make sure you stop.”

Defence lawyer Paul Varga described Bernetson as someone “trying to make his way in the world,” and cited the stress of COVID and being evicted as mitigating factors.

He said Berenetson’s threat “is not indicative of the person he’s become.”

Bernetson told the court he regrets his actions.

“I’m sorry. I was just at my wit’s end.

“I didn’t mean to frighten anyone.”

He also told the court he presently lives in his car.

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