Circuit court is held once a month in Princeton. File photo

Princeton man says he sometimes breached probation to visit infant daughter

Judge orders 190 days jail for numerous offenses, most of which is time served

A Princeton man was sentenced in provincial circuit court Thursday, Aug. 12, to 190 days in jail for numerous violations of a probation order.

Given time already served, and the fact that 30 days of the sentence is concurrent, Aaron Ceretti left the courthouse facing 17 more days in prison.

When passing sentence, Judge Shannon Keyes told the defendant “it’s a sentence I think is fair, but it’s a break.”

Ceretti, 34, was charged with 15 counts, mostly related to probation breaches. He pleaded guilty to six counts, and the balance of related charges were stayed.

A charge of assault was also stayed by Crown counsel.

Defense attorney N. Munson told the court that some of Ceretti’s breaches were due to him leaving Princeton to visit his one-year-old daughter, and failing to be inside his residence under the requirements of a court ordered curfew.

Angela Linthorne, appearing for the Crown, told the court Ceretti had three times not been home when local RCMP called at his residence for a curfew check.

In two cases Ceretti had left a note for police with a phone number to call, and both times that number went unanswered.

He was also found in possession of a pair of pliers that functioned as a multi-tool, a prohibited item under his probation order which was issued after he was convicted of a string of break and enters.

Keyes noted the multi-tool was being used only to try to repair a disabled motorcycle.

The court heard Ceretti had a troubled childhood, is of Indigenous descent, and has family members who attended residential schools.

He has 38 previous criminal convictions, 14 for probation breaches.

“Mr. Ceretti does have a fairly unenviable record, starting from when he was a young teenager,” said Keyes, noting she didn’t hold him singularly responsible for his misdeeds of the past.

“I’ve been told about Mr. Ceretti’s history and it sounds to me like Mr. Ceretti has had, I think it would be fair to say, a pretty hard life and a fairly unstable upbringing.”

She added: “Mr. Ceretti is a grown up now and he is in charge of his own life.”

Related: Judge: ‘Does anyone in Princeton have a licence?’

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