There will be changes to leadership at some North Okanagan-Shuswap schools this fall. (File photo)

There will be changes to leadership at some North Okanagan-Shuswap schools this fall. (File photo)

Principals shift at North Okanagan-Shuswap schools.

Staffing changes announced as school year comes to an end

As students prepare for the end of the school year, the North Okanagan-Shuswap School District is already getting staff prepared for September.

There are a number of staffing changes to principals and administration around the region.

Out in the schools there are also some transfers and additions to the school district’s principal and vice-principal teams. Longtime Bastion Elementary principal, Isabelle Gervais, will be the new principal at South Canoe, which is opening the outdoor learning program, with Joel Menzies moving from Ranchero to be the new principal at Bastion Elementary.

Doug Cumming will be moving from M.V. Beattie to Ranchero Elementary with Gene Doray moving to M.V. Beattie from A.L. Fortune.

Scott Anderson will be the new principal at A.L. Fortune with Denise Brown moving from Armstrong Elementary to Len Wood Middle.

Corinne Langston will be the new principal at Armstrong Elementary with newcomers David Wellingham as the new vice-principal at Carlin Elementary Middle and Chris Matheson as the new vice-principal at Shuswap Middle School.

Fresh off a stint as vice-principal of SMS, Paul Rosman has been named principal of North Shuswap Elementary.

Also, Highland Park Elementary School principal Jodi van der Meer has accepted a position with SD22 as principal of Okanagan Landing Elementary.

The new principal of Highland Park will be Rob Ellis.

In addition there is some shifting of roles at the school board office.

• District Principal of Indigenous Education Irene LaBoucane has been chosen the new Superintendent of Schools for Prince Rupert School District.

• Director of Instruction Dianne Ballance has decided to resign from her current position and, as of August, will be the SD83 District Principal of Student Learning. The SD83 Director of Student Learning position is now being advertised.

• Current District Principal of Student Learning Christine Love will be leaving the district at the end of the school year to take on her new role as Director of Student Services for SD22.

Salmon Arm Observer