Members of Campbell River’s city council, like Coun. Charlie Cornfield (left) and Coun. Ron Kerr (right), joined pro-forestry counter-protestors at an anti-Old Growth logging protest held in downtown Campbell River June 10 outside MLA Michele Babchuk’s office. Photo by Marc Kitteringham/Campbell River Mirror

Pro-forestry supporters move in on anti-old-growth logging rally

Debates and signs dominate the scene in downtown Campbell River

  • Jun. 10, 2021 12:00 a.m.

A planned protest in downtown Campbell River against the logging of old-growth forests on Vancouver Island and in support of the blockades in the Fairy Creek area in southern Vancouver Island was co-opted by Campbell River-based pro-forestry supporters, including city councillors.

The rally in support of protecting old growth forests from logging was set for June 10 but was joined by pro-logging industry supporters who marched to MLA Michele Babchuk’s office to show their support for forestry jobs.

For an update see this story: VIDEO: Old growth forest counter-rallies converge on the streets of Campbell River

Campbell River Mirror


A strong showing from people who support the forest industry co-opted a protest against logging old growth trees on Vancouver Island that was planned for downtown Campbell River June 10. Photo by Marc Kitteringham/Campbell River Mirror