A rendering of the proposed multi-family development in Port Edward. This is a sample image and is subject to change.

A rendering of the proposed multi-family development in Port Edward. This is a sample image and is subject to change.

Proponent clears first hurdle for multi-family development in Port Edward

The company planning to build a new subdivision in Port Edward cleared its first hurdle on Tuesday night .

The company planning to build a new subdivision in Port Edward cleared its first hurdle on Tuesday night as council passed the first and second reading of a bylaw to rezone a large parcel of land from single family residential to multi-family residential.

But before construction start on the land located behind current housing on Evergreen Drive, Alture Properties executive vice-president Stephen Duke recognizes there is still much work to be done.

“This is first and second reading, so we still have an open house that is being planned for Aug. 10, though that is subject to change. That is when we will provide some additional details about what it is we are wanting to build,” he said following the meeting.

“Once we get the rezoning we get the chance to finish off the plan in terms of how many bedrooms, what the parking will be like and that type of stuff. That then goes into another submission for a development permit which would go through the same process as the rezoning.”

Alture plans to build either townhouse and/or condominiums on the land, but work is still underway to determine exactly what that will look like in terms of population and density.

“How many are going to be there, I don’t know yet. We’re afforded a number of units based on the acreage and that actually allows us to build quite a few units,” he said, noting the area could create great opportunity for residents.

“The topography of the property rises to the back, so some will have a very nice view.”

The Northern View