An overhead view looking eastbound on Highway 1, towards the 10th Avenue SW Intersection, with 17th Street SW in the foreground running past Salmon Arm’s Buckerfield’s. (Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure photo)

Proposed closure of part of 17th Street SW to accommodate Salmon Arm West project

Province expected to address closure of northern portion of road off Highway 1

A bylaw to close a portion of 17th Street SW for the creation of a new intersection, part of the Salmon Arm West highway upgrades which are underway, is on its way to city council.

The City of Salmon Arm Highway Closure Bylaw No. 4222 will first be making a stop at the city’s development and planning meeting on Monday, Nov. 16. The bylaw proposes the closure of a .221 hectare (.55 acre) section of 17th Street, adjacent to Buckerfield’s, between 10th Avenue SW and 921 17th Street SW.

The purpose of the closure, according to city staff, is to accommodate Trans-Canada Highway intersection work proposed as part of the highway improvements currently underway that include the replacement of the Salmon River Bridge.

“The new intersection design effectively eliminates the access to 17th and therefore the city needs the road closure to ensure that proper access onto 10th Ave can be maintained for city property,” city staff comment in a related memorandum that is part of the Nov. 16 meeting agenda.

Staff go on to say it is expected the piece of road will be incorporated into the two adjacent properties, with details of the realignment to be determined in the future. Despite it still being open to traffic, staff note northern portion of 17th Street SW, which runs through band land and connects to the highway, has been officially closed since July 2004.

Supportive of the closure, staff explain the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is expected to undertake the necessary consultation and complete the associated works to address the closed northern portion of 17th.

Read more: Highway 1 safety improvements through Salmon Arm to proceed this fall

Read more: Video offers aerial view of future Salmon Arm

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