Proposed multi-family condo offers Town $30,000

Sidney town council is considering a 2.5 storey, multi-family oceanfront building on First Street

Sidney town council is considering a 2.5 storey, multi-family oceanfront building on First Street as proposed by Baumeister Haus Enterprises Ltd.

Councillors heard a presentation on the plans from Silvia Bonet of Finlayson Bonet Architects at their August 11 meeting.

The design calls for 14 units on a long and narrow site. The owners have offered the Town a $30,000 amenity contribution for parks and pedestrian improvements, in exchange for higher density (six additional units for a total of 14).

Bonet told council the site is zoned for multi-family use but the developer is seeking a variance to allow for the higher density.

While the site is long and narrow, Bonet said the design of the proposed building will spilt it in two, to allow for better sight lines and spacing between them and two neighbouring condo buildings.

The First Street side of the structure will also be stepped back to keep a valuable tree in place.

On the ocean side, the design allows for green space to create a separation between the building and a nearby pedestrian walkway. The developer is also allowing for a pedestrian right-of-way between the ocean walkway and First Street.

The units themselves, said Bonet, will range from 1,400 to 1,600 square feet. There will be 16 parking stalls — 14 for the units and two guest spaces.

Council voted to see merit in that proposal — and in the $30,000 amenity contribution — and to forward the plan on to its Advisory Planning Commission for review and comment.


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