Protest against in-person only option for school planned for Castlegar

Grade 10 JL Crowe student planning Castlegar protest.

Alexis Robillard wants the government to listen to her.

That’s why she is organizing a protest in Castlegar this week. The grade 10 JL Crowe student doesn’t want to go back to in-person classes when school resumes in a few weeks and she’s asking other students, parents, teachers and school staff that feel the same way to join her in front of Castlegar City Hall on Sunday, Aug. 30 at 2:00 p.m.

“I believe that our voices are not being heard and it is time to take it a step further,” said Robillard.

“I’m doing this because students, parents and teachers feel unsafe attending school during the pandemic as a lot of them have family members that are at risk or are at risk themselves.”

The campaign is very personal for Robillard — both her mother and her boyfriend are battling cancer and the thought of passing COVID on to them is going to keep her at home this fall.

“I believe that students have the right to a safe education and teachers deserve a safe workplace, but I do not feel we are going to be given that in the fall.”

Robillard wants all students to have the option of schooling online instead of in person.

“Students and teachers are tired of being ignored and neglected by the government and we need to fight for what is right,” added Robillard.

Disposable masks and sanitizer will be provided by event organizers for those who do not already have them. They will also be placing markings six feet apart to ensure the attendees are practicing social distancing and protesting in a safe and healthy manner.

Castlegar News