Province reduces logging levels

  • Feb. 16, 2011 10:00 a.m.

EVEN THOUGH there hasn’t been a lot of logging going on, the provincial government is reducing the annual allowable but in the Terrace area by 2.9 per cent.

The new limit, 424,000 cubic metres, is effective immediately.

“In reviewing the social, economic and environmental factors, I determined an

allowable annual cut that would be sustainable,” said provincial chief forester Jim Snetsinger.

“Over the past few years, less than 40 per cent of the allowable annual cut has been

harvested in the Kalum timber supply area. The minor adjustment in the cut

level reflects timber volume estimates for existing stands and a change in

the way log grades are counted against the cut level.”

The Kalum timber supply area covers about 2.3 million

hectares, ranging from the Kitlope River in the south to the lower Nass River

in the north.

Almost 81,000 hectares is considered part of the timber harvesting landbase.

Terrace Standard