Open burn ban rescinded in Kamloops Fire Centre (File photo)

Province to lift open burning ban in Kamloops Fire Centre

Category 2 and 3 open fires allowed everywhere within the Kamloops Fire Centre on Friday

  • Sep. 22, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Cooler temperatures and rain in the forecast has prompted the BC Wildfire Service to rescind the remaining fire bans in the Kamloops Fire Centre.

Effective 12 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 24, Category 2 and 3 open fires will be permitted throughout the Kamloops Fire Centre. This includes fireworks, sky lanterns and burn barrels or cages of any size or description, except for when used as a campfire, according to BCWS.

While the fire centre has rescinded the ban, local governments may still have restrictions in place and residents are asked to check with local authorities before lighting any fire. Certain municipalities also have their own bans and regulations on firework usage.

Though the bans are no longer effective, wildfire officials remind residents to burn safely.

“Those conducting any open fire should use caution and be aware of local conditions that might impact their ability to burn safely and control their open fires,” the notice reads. “Anyone who lights an open fire must also comply with B.C.’s air quality control legislation.”

The BC Wildfire Service asks those who conduct open fires to take the following precautions:

– Ensure enough people, water and tools are on hand to control the fire and stop it from escaping.

– Do not burn in windy conditions, as the weather can change quickly carrying embers to other material, igniting fires.

– Create a fireguard around the planned site by clearing away fuel such as twigs, grass and leaves

– Never leave a fire unattended

– Make sure the fire is fully extinguished and ashes are cold to the touch before leaving the area for any length of time.

To report a wildfire or unattended campfire, call 1-800-663-5555 or *5555 on a cell phone. For more information about fire bans or restrictions visit

Those wishing to light a Category 3 open fire must first obtain a burn registration by calling 1-888-797-1717. Information about different categories is available here.

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